Foster care
Family foster care is the most recommended form of temporary care for children who, for various reasons, cannot stay with their biological families (e.g. waiver of parental rights, police intervention, etc.). In Poland, over 55,000 children are in family foster care. Katarzyna Kowalska and Rafał Nowak run a family orphanage in Warsaw. They take care of children who are waiting for their legal situation to be settled. There are mainly infants in the house, at least five and eight at most, and their stay usually lasts from several months to two years. Kasia and Rafał give children love and a sense of security, so important for their lifelong development. After the court's decision, children most often go to the final adoptive family. Every separation brings joy that the child has found its new home, but also sadness at being separated from the baby. For 11 years, Kasia and Rafał have taken care of over a hundred children. The presented project required special discretion, which is why the photos do not show the children's faces.
Prezentowany projekt wymagał szczególnej dyskrecji, dlatego zdjęcia nie pokazują twarzy dzieci.
Kasia: „Często byliśmy świadkami cudów: gdy z dwóch smutnych historii (porzuconego malucha i pary która straciła nadzieję na bycie rodzicami) na naszych oczach tworzyła się wspaniała, nowa, pełna miłości i radości Rodzina.”